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By Alecia Barnes
The Health and Wellness industry is expected to be a trillion dollar industry by the year 2010, as baby boomers and fitness enthusiasts alike continue to invest in products and services that help them to maintain their health and youthful vitality.
According to Paul Zane Pilzer , a world renowned economist, this $200 billion industry is beginning to take off, and is expected to create an additional 1 trillion dollars in demand for products and services related to making us look and feel good, as well as slow the effects of aging, and in some cases prevent diseases altogether.
Who wants to look good, and feel good?
The baby boomer generation continues to be a buzz word in several industries, and the focus of many industries attention due to the purchasing power these baby boomers represent. The sheer purchasing power of the dynamic demographic is causing many industries to invest in the creation of products and services that specifically cater to this niche.
In short, this demographic has money, and theyre ready to spend it on products designed to maintain and increase their quality of life and their health through their retirements.
The clich saying 60 is the new 40 is ringing truer as many turn to the health and wellness industry to slow and even reverse the signs of aging, and new and all natural health products are being designed with the baby boomer purchasing power in mind.
What are the concerns of baby boomers as they creep closer and closer to the golden years of retirement? Retirement and financial security concerns, health, looking and feeling younger, and continuing education are just the tip of the iceberg.
Due to a growing awareness of how important proactive health management is, the majority of over $200 billion in sales from the health and wellness industry is generated through vitamin sales and health club memberships.
What does this growing trend represent to the average person, and how does it relate to the current state of the economy.
The growth of the health and wellness industry represents an income stream for those who see an opportunity, and are wise enough to leverage this knowledge into an income for themselves.
Network Marketing and the Health and Wellness industry
The following trends are things that you should look for when looking for the right health and wellness opportunity in order to profit tremendously for this lucrative industry.
1. Timing is everything. It may be tempting to join well established companies, however if they are really large organizations, the ability to build true, life changing wealth and a healthy, large organization may be limited. Opportunities in the pre-launch phase, as well as ground floor opportunities where you can get in at the start are a better alternative.
2. The company should offer consumable products that are in high demand, and of high quality. Your customers can try these products and it will create return business through re-orders.
3. Look for opportunities that offer a compensation plan that rewards the many, rather than the few. A residual income component is a huge bonus and is income that you will receive long after you have done the hard work, and will pay you as your organization continues to grow.
4. Find a company on the verge of momentum, or in the midst of hitting momentum is a good opportunity to get involved with. Simply put, the buzz is becoming a roar about the opportunity, pay plan and products.
5. It is more about the team that you join, rather than the opportunity that you join. What is the track record of the person presenting the opportunity? How large is their organization? What is their retention rate? How do they market? You must interview many people, and be picky about who you decide to join.
6. Attend the training and opportunity calls prior to joining, and look for companies that are using modern technology. Look for systems that are simple to duplicate, that have simple systems to follow and that the systems have proven to work well for others. If the majority in the company is having success by using the systems in place, your future down-line will be able to duplicate your efforts.
7. Be willing to be trainable, find a mentor, and do what your mentor tells you to do.
8. Make realistic goals and post those goals where you can see them on a daily basis. Be accountable to your goals, and do not allow yourself to give yourself excuses.
9. Due your due diligence, and trust your gut. If something about the company does not feel right, get on the internet, do your research and check facts. Do not be afraid to call the home office and ask a lot of questions.
10. Invest in yourself, and feed your mind. I highly recommend that you purchase the book Your first year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell.
About the Author: Alecia Barnes is a successful internet entrepreneur who is passionate about proactive health and wellness nutrition for the enhancement of healthy lifestyles.
Health and Wellness Network Marketing Career AdviceMentoring and Free Internet Marketing Help
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